Welcome to my 9+ year coming website (yes you heard right!!) …
Do you know how many times I’ve written this page over the years?! How to possibly state what’s most important to me … the thing is, this is always changing as I grow and have more experiences.
So, I’m just going to share where I’m at right now and with the beauty of online, my tale will unravel (and hopefully I learn to be more concise ;-))
What’s truly humbling is that you are meant to be here … taking a peek. This beautiful Universe is amazing <3
…It’s like when I wake up every morning excited to find out who I’m meant to meet, what will I learn, who will I learn from or who will I help by sharing a golden nugget that helped me!
Yes, I’m a bit of a pollyanna (glass half full) … I’m also down to earth, an Adventurer and a softening Virgo 😉
You can see how you came to this place in your life if you look at your past.
For me…
- As the eldest of 5 kids, nurturing and encouraging others became second nature to me (my mom had all of us within 6.5 years by the time she was 25! Who does that?! ] The rest of my days were spent playing with fun sisters and brothers, or reading away the hours (my creative safe space).
- As much as the tomboy in me loved being part of a physically active family (… I’m talking LONG car trips to visit family, snow skiing, softball, camping, mini bikes …), I dearly needed quiet time alone and would escape into the adventures of my books. I learned to nurture myself.
- I found a perfect fit with my family, but my shyer, gentler self didn’t resonate as well with the majority of kids at school – I was often excluded and vulnerable to bullying by other girls and ‘aggressive’ boys before high school. I learned to treasure time spent with like-minded souls.
- As a child and teen, I really struggled with feeling a bombardment of emotions … a roller coaster of ever twisting hills and valleys that were considered “normal”. But what my mom and I didn’t know at the time was that I was also highly sensitive … wide open to absorbing the emotions and energy of family members, friends, and basically anyone who walked the streets! I learned to lessen my vulnerability, and created a letting go process.
- My mom eventually stopped believing my physical complaints and bringing me to the doctor after multiple trips ended with the pain mysteriously vanishing on the way to or during the visit. We didn’t know … I was also empathically absorbing others pains and had not learned about *protection* and how to *shield* myself .
- Fortunately, my highly sensitive Aunt Jean stepped forward in her soul role as my nurturer … her love and attention helped me feel special and less isolated. Just being herself, she showed me how the power of humor, kindness, and unconditional love can impact the *Light* of any child, especially when highly sensitive. <3
It’s always exciting to see how a specific *moment* in your life acts as a catalyst to something big in your future.
For me …
- My Catholic CCD teacher unknowingly nudged my path direction after I asked about the “Adam and Eve” vs “Evolution of Man” debate. By ridiculing my ‘lack of faith’, he propelled me into such a disconnect that I walked away from the church and ‘organized religion’. I became ~ agnostic (one of the saddest times in my life) for awhile, but then was thankfully organically guided to a direct spiritual connection with God (Universe).
- Reading a a LOT of my Mom’s coffee table books opened my world to a couple of lifelong passions…
- The “Clan of the Cave Bear” (by Jean Auel) historical novel of a healer’s life in the cave man days opened my young “modern medicine” eyes about the incredulous use of herbs and natural remedies … “white willow bark tea was used for headaches?!!”
- And the novel “A Woman of Substance” (by Barbara Taylor Bradford) inspired my innate entrepreneurial spirit with the story of a young 19th century woman (“Emma”) building a successful family business empire from the humble start of making and selling her own homemade, natural soaps and body care. Not only were the natural, DIY products right up my alley, but she was a self promoter, marketer, visionary, mother, and confident woman all at the same time. My Cap was set 🙂 [ha – I even wanted to call my daughter Emma but that was shot down because “… that’s a cow’s name” ]
- My daughter’s 5-year health scare led me to search for alternative healing options and opened my eyes (literally ;-)) to a modality that provided an answer in 5 MINUTES as to the cause of her frequent fevers compared to the 5 years it took the medical industry to say ‘we found it … she needs surgery!’ [ This modality is called “Iridology” ]
- Seeing clients in my Iridology and holistic health practice quickly evolved into openly sharing the intuitive and empathic *hits* that came through for their healing process … truly heightening the impact of my clients sessions. Walking through this door and embracing these Gifts has taken me down a path that offered adventurous experiences in personal and spiritual growth, heightened awareness, various healing modalities, and stepping into my *spotlight* as a Lightworker.
We all have our unique paths and experiences that have brought us to where we are today. There are no mistakes. It is all divine timing. Everything comes to us at the right moment.
You have manifested the life that you have. Likewise you can manifest the most beautiful life that you desire.
You were *guided* here, even if just for a moment … to tell you … YOU ARE READY to courageously take a step toward a more heartfelt, purposeful and intuitively-guided life <3
I am so looking forward to getting to know those of you who resonate and feel safe here! We will share a similar path of *Light* adventures to come 🙂
Come back often … I have years and years of helpful stories and *stuff* to share with you!
With love, light, and a big hug,
p.s. I believe that our Journey is an Adventure to enjoy, embrace and be grateful for as we step forward and take action. I’m sharing my Adventure with you. I hope you will do the same with me. Let’s talk soon 🙂
Here are answers to some other “trivia” questions people have asked me over the years…
• Purpose of my Website – It’s taken me [yes]… 9 years to finally get my website up and running. With every start, I now realize that I still didn’t know what the *essence* was that helped all my unique puzzle pieces come together … how I’ve naturally been all my life, in my relationships, as a child, and all my passions (The things that Light. Me. Up.:-)) … they are all a reflection of my purpose. Now I’m thrilled that my heart can finally articulate my True Purpose and I’m stepping up on my SoapBox… YAY!!
• My *Why* – I am a mom of two beautiful and sensitive souls, my daughter Kerstin and my son Joe ( Joey may slip out on accident to my son’s chagrin 🙂 ). Being their mom will always be my greatest joy. Along with my fairly recent transition of moving back to my hometown Chicago, they’re both experiencing their own big transitions after playing collegiate sports [ice hockey(K) and cross country(J)], graduating and working a bit now in their careers. You’ll get to know them better as they’re a HUGE *Why* I started on this journey <3
• Being a Holistic Mom and Practitioner – Being I consider myself a lifetime holistic health practitioner. Yes I began my professional career in 2000 and have used my Certifications in Iridology, Herbalism, Chinese Herbalism, Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing), Akashic Records, and as an Usui Reiki Master Teacher. But my own healthy childhood experience plus a discovery of herbs, alternative choices, and then raising my children holistically are why I also consider myself a holistic mom.
• My Tribes – Although I resist using labels whenever possible because of the tendency to put a “box” around it, I’ll admit I was relieved when I discovered there were other people who share some of my *unique* traits ;-). For example…
• I am a highly sensitive person (HSP) and intuitive / empath. Unfortunately as a child, I didn’t understand how to deal with all the empathic energy that I easily absorbed, but eventually I devised my own ways to cope and fortunately I smiled more than not along the way. It really helped that I learned to *listen* and *watch* what my Guides were telling me!
• Although I am easily an introvert, as my healing and personal growth has progressed, I’m pretty comfortable socially and I Love to meet new people!
• I have a Very adventurous side, and I just learned that there are other HSP’s like me … we’re considered High Sensational Seekers (HSS). Perhaps you will resonate the most with my stories 🙂
• My True Purpose and *Soapbox* – Finding and articulating My True Purpose in this life ***To Encourage Souls to Connect with the Beauty of Their Life Adventure *** has been one of my most treasured moments. I finally had the *cement* for my foundation on which to build this beautiful website. Words can’t express how much more JOY I feel, finally finding my *Voice*! 😉
• I absolutely *light up* when I’m outdoors and in nature. [ … you’ll Love my upcoming Purposeful Talk & Walks!]
• I’m an insatiable student … a learner, a developer. [I have my own nickname “Curious Georgette” 😉 ]
• My soul is so compelled to help others feel the joy and adventure in every day life. Yes, there are hills and valleys for all of us (and I will share my exploits and lessons) but there is value in Every. Single. Experience. Our life really is an adventure – to be savored, experienced, and then let go with gratefulness. We are then able to realize our own inner strengths and Gifts, and then step forward to share and help others.
• A daily goal is … I just want to Lighten Up. Laugh More. Appreciate More. Anyone else want to join me??! 🙂