I’ll admit right from the start…
I’m a work-in-progress (Amen to that!), as we all are.
Here’s the thing … even though you’re probably an insatiable student like me, there’s still SO much UNIQUE information that we already know that we can share and help others with right Now!
And when I say Unique … we’re like fingerprints with unique pasts, experiences, and desires that bundle into a beautiful source and perspective for others.
Most of you can relate with how we hold back on sharing our AHA’s and some really cool *stuff* we’ve felt … seen …or learned about. I’ve been SO guilty of this!
How many years have you also felt you have a soul-level desire (maybe even a responsibility) to share with other kindred spirits … with others who resonate with your words … what we’ve learned and experienced?
Part of me still cringes at the number of years it’s taken ME to finally create this space, but I’m such a believer in divine timing (WITH action) that I’ve told myself LET. IT. GO. [poof]
So, here I AM … stepping forward [footprints]
And with some excited and edgy energy, I’m as exhilarated as when I stepped out onto that tiny ledge of a twin-engine Cessna plane for my first solo skydive jump! (psst I’ll find a photo to prove it! ;-))
I’ll trust in the process and that I’m in good hands, mind my mentors’ suggestions, connect daily with my Guides, and follow my heart and intuition.
And for ME, focus on ONE thing at a time to minimize Overwhelm! 😉 (Please tell me I’m not the only one!! )
One thing I know beyond a doubt …
as we each have an underlying Purpose that we just naturally *do* since birth (often unknowingly) with family, friends, romantic partners, clients, etc. … when I was FINALLY able to articulate my True Purpose statement, so many pieces of ME *clicked* and fell into place.
That moment that it clicked…the best way I can describe it is …
imagine Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, suspended in air, and all the different pieces of his armor ‘purposefully’ fly in and connect in perfect synchronicity to create a ‘shield’ of strength and support.
Remember how he also had his loyal AI friend ‘JARVIS’ to guide and work with him to help achieve his purpose? Of course we also always have our own personal Guides and Angels available WHENEVER we’re ready for their help … we just have to Ask!
MY true purpose is …
to encourage souls to Connect with the Beauty of their Life Adventure.
(I’m so tempted to change this to *Light* Adventure because that’s really what it is! But I’ll sit on that for a bit.)
EVERY DAY, I wake up excited about WHO I’m going to meet that day or who is suppose to meet me, WHAT am I going to learn or share with someone that we’re meant to hear, HOW will synchronicity and opportunities show up and flow through the day, and WHERE will things happen! It LIGHTS. ME. UP!!
Through the ups and downs …
And I totally know that they’re not always pleasant experiences. Over time, I’ve learned to respect that even with heart-wrenching times in my life, I Choose to find the inner strength to let myself grieve, process, and let go of the unwanted emotional energy that could possibly block my ongoing personal and spiritual growth.
Overall, This Life is an Adventure
… to Enjoy, Experience, be Grateful for, Learn from, and Treasure for the lessons we learn.
And so … here YOU are … as you are meant to BE … Welcome my friend 🙂
Let’s help you *remember* what YOUR Light and Life Adventure is this time around!